Transferring Google Domains – On Us

  • In case you missed it, we are paying all transfer fees for the first one million eligible domains that move from Google to — this extends the domain’s registration by one year. No hosting or website is required.

    Additionally, we’ve matched Google’s domain pricing. Folks who transfer from Google Domains won’t see a price increase when those domains renew at And if your domains were with us all along, you may pay less for your renewals.

    Domains at get:

    • Performance: Our DNS speeds are faster than Google, GoDaddy, and DigitalOcean.
    • Privacy: Unlike many other registrars, we include free privacy protection on every domain that supports it.
    • Security: SSL is installed free on all sites hosted with us.

    If you use Google Domains and you want to transfer, you can start now or learn more here.

    Got more questions about this? Let us know below!

  • i need help cause I’ve tried 3 or 4 times and I don’t know how I finally got it but I don’t want to see if I can do it, I won’t to know how.

  • @linseyb336 can you start a thread here and let us know what issue you’re running into? We’d be glad to help.

  • This move by to cover transfer fees for the first million domains transitioning from Google showcases their commitment to providing users with enhanced benefits. Alongside matching domain pricing and offering improved performance, privacy, and security features, this initiative aims to empower users with a seamless transition experience while reinforcing the value of their domain services.

  • Just want to thank WordPress for providing this gift. I’ve transferred both my google domains over. The 1st domain transfer I was a little confused because I moved too quickly screen to screen, but the 2nd one was a breeze. Another reason I’ve stayed with WordPress for more than a decade. ¡Mil Gracias!

  • Started transfer of six domains, they are sitting in limbo despite the fact that I entered the auto codes for each. Google tells me they are in process, WordPress tells me that it is waiting for authorization (???) and in the meanwhile I remain in limbo.
    How do I get through to a real person who can help me with a serious issue I need to address in one of those domains?

    please help

  • As to “paying the transfer of the first million domains”, yeah, it is cool of WordPress to do that, but WP must make sure everything runs very smooth… which it seems did not happen. The transfers (in my case) are stuck, and it is creating serious problems for me that I can’t resolve because of the impossibility of (a) contacting someone promptly or (b) having a good web interface to manage the transfer.

    I never had a problem with Google that I could not address in minutes, but with WP I get into unsolvable problems immediately. Not good

  • Hi @ccaballero There can be a short delay from the time you submit the transfer codes until the time you see the status is updated. Looking on this end I see several recent transfers to your account.

    If you are still having trouble could you start a new topic here?

    You can add a “modlook” tag if you’d like to get staff attention.

    That way we can focus on your transfers without anything getting lost in other convos here. Thanks!

  • @staff-totoro I understand your desire to defend your company’s actions, but you are shooting the emissary, and your message is misleading in at least two different fronts:

    • You mention that you look at my account and you “see several recent transfers to [my] account”. You see the transfers initiated by me over 24 hours ago, but you fail to mention that the transfers are still on pending status, “waiting for authorization“. Yep, not a “short delay”, but a whole day of users screaming (at me) because they can’t access their emails, because the DNS MX records were nowhere to be found;
    • Whether I posted my issue here or there: I posted in ALL places I could find; when I finally got someone to connect with me via chat, the chat was all about “it’s Google’s problem” and a “I’m not really here” reading from the same screens that I was reading, with no solution to the problem. Abysmal lack of empathy.

    For contrast, when I gave up with your company (the ones holding my domains in limbo and my users screaming at me), I tried Google. A support specialist was with me immediately, with no wait or having to hunt for the right place to get attention (which in WP’s site is awful, because of WP’s industry-worst content management and organization of your web site). The support hero at Google (no “happiness” on their title) helped me revert two of the transfers in a minute, stuck to my call until I could make sure everything was back to normal, called me immediately back when the line got hung up, and held my hand through the whole process.

    So, now, I have still “only” four of the six domains I transferred to WP. in “waiting for authorization” status (???), and me waiting until the transfer goes through (if it does) so that I can urgently take them out of WP’s control and into somebody else’s hands.

    Thanks for your message

  • Hi @ccaballero, sorry you’ve had a rough time with this. The vast majority of the transfers so far have gone smoothly, but admittedly there’s little for us to troubleshoot when the domain isn’t here with us yet. And while we try to make sure MX and other records are properly copied, if you’ve got a complicated DNS setup, I’d recommend checking the records here to ensure we’ve got it all before switching over to our name servers.

    I see you’ve got a few threads open in our forums, so we’ll check on those to see if we can help.

  • Google asks me for your IPS Tag ( domain). Is it EXTEND?

  • Hi @earlymarket, unfortunately, domains cannot be transferred to at the moment.

  • This is a great offer! I have moved my domains over. I followed the process. It all worked 99% fine. A few of the domains did not receive the free 1-year extension automatically. I notified support and they took care of it within a few hours. I would rather have WordPress handle my domains than a company like Google that keeps starting and shutting down projects whenever the wind blows in a different direction. The team at WordPress is committed to the open web, which includes domains. Since I have their support, they have my support.

  • Ok I could have saved lots of time if that had been made clear – perhaps on your FAQ.

  • How do I reverse a transfer from Google? I didn’t realize that WordPress charges for wildcard email forwarding, which is free at other domain hosting companies. $300 a year!

  • Hey @robfrank,

    It’s not possible to reverse a transfer once it’s been completed, but it is possible to move the domain after 60 days.

    That said, we don’t charge for email forwarding – where are you seeing that messaging exactly?

  • I transferred 11 domain names to WordPress from google. I followed all steps exactly and received email confirmation and authorized. Now, none of my sites are working and every time I try to access my domains from WordPress, the page never loads. I really wish there was a number I could call.

  • Hi @gcvoters

    Since this is a different issue from the one in the original post, could you start a new topic here?

    You can add a “modlook” tag if you’d like to get staff attention.

    That way the people who have been working on this topic won’t get unwanted notifications as we troubleshoot your issue. Thanks!

  • Just transfered 1 domain from Google Domains. Didn’t realize there’s no DNSSEC and Glue Records feature on WordPress registrar. Got 1 year free renewal but lose 2 features that i usually used. Not sure how to feel about that.

    Now my domain is locked for 60 days without DNSSEC and until i transfer out again. Thought WordPress would follow industry standard but nope, something that like 99% other reputable registrar give as basic is nowhere to be seen here. Disappointed.

  • Hi @jusepal, please reach out directly to support by email with the glue records you need.

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