
Elementor 网站生成器 – 不仅仅是页面生成器

Elementor 网站构建器应有尽有:拖放页面构建器、像素级设计、移动响应式编辑等等。立即开始吧!
July 28, 2024
Elementor 网站生成器 – 不仅仅是页面生成器


Elementor 是领先的 WordPress 网站创建平台,使您能够无缝构建专业、像素完美的网站。

使用原生 AI 集成 Elementor AI 彻底改变您构建网站的方式。立即创建完整的部分、原始文本、代码和图像,或引用另一个网站以在您的网站中重新创建其布局。

使用 Elementor Pro 解锁所有功能。

🌟 Create Professional Stunning Websites

  • Intuitive Drag & Drop Builder: Build any website with our no-code, drag-and-drop Editor. Achieve design precision with full control over layout and style.
  • Pixel-Perfect Design Tools: Upload SVGs, apply masks, gradients, box shadows, headline effects, shape dividers, and use built-in CSS controls for advanced customization.
  • Template Library: Apply complete website kits for instant setups, or choose from a vast library of single pages, blocks, and pop-up templates. Create and export your own templates for reuse.
  • Advanced Widgets: Access over 40 FREE widgets, including heading, image, text editor, video, button, gallery, carousels, and more. Customize and style widgets to fit your design needs perfectly.
  • AI Capabilities: Revolutionize your design and content creation process with native AI integration. Instantly create sections, text, code, and images, or reference layouts from other websites.

🗝️ Key features:

  • Design System: Utilize Elementor’s Design System to ensure consistency in colors, typography, and other design elements across your entire website, promoting a cohesive and professional look.
  • Responsive Design: Optimize your design for any device with custom breakpoints and device-specific adjustments. Ensure a seamless experience for desktop, tablet, and mobile users.
  • Mask Shapes: Turning any element, like an image or video, into whatever shape you desire to create standout designs.
  • CSS Transform: Use CSS Transform to rotate, scale, and skew elements, adding dynamic styling to your site.
  • Entrance Animations: Add entrance animations to elements to create engaging and interactive user experiences.
  • Revision History: Elementor’s Revision History feature enables users to track and revert to previous versions of their designs, providing peace of mind and flexibility during the creative process.
  • Developer-Friendly: Equipped with extensive documentation, API, developer tools, and custom code areas at the widget and page level, Elementor offers a conducive environment for developers to extend its capabilities and create custom solutions.
  • Floating Buttons: Enhance user interaction with customizable, floating action buttons that stay in view as users scroll.
  • Theme Builder [Pro]: Elementor’s robust Theme Builder empowers you to design every part of your website, including headers, footers, single post layouts, and archive pages, providing complete control over the site’s appearance.
  • Popup Builder [Pro]: Create eye-catching popups with Elementor’s Popup Builder, equipped with advanced targeting and triggering options to optimize user engagement and conversions.
  • Forms [Pro]: Design and integrate custom forms, utilizing advanced features and integrations to capture and manage submissions effectively.
  • WooCommerce Builder [Pro]: Seamlessly integrate Elementor with WooCommerce to design custom product pages, shop layouts, product archives, menu carts, checkout pages, my account, and more, enhancing the visual appeal and functionality of online stores.
  • Dynamic Content [Pro]: Leverage dynamic content capabilities to create personalized and interactive web experiences by connecting your designs to various data sources.
  • Notes [Pro]: Enhance team collaboration by using Elementor’s Notes feature to leave feedback and comments directly on the design interface.
  • Custom Code [Pro]: Insert custom code to extend the functionality of your site, offering flexibility for advanced customizations.
  • Custom CSS [Pro]: Apply Custom CSS to fine-tune the styling of elements, ensuring precise control over the design aspects.
  • Motion Effects [Pro]: Add advanced motion effects to elements for a more dynamic and engaging user experience.
  • Custom Fonts & Icons [Pro]: Upload and use custom fonts and icons to match your brand’s identity.

😍 Elementor FREE widgets

通过我们全面的免费小部件和工具套件释放 Elementor 的潜力,这些小部件和工具旨在增强您的网站创建过程并提升您的设计能力:

  • 标题. 加入显眼的标题
  • 图像。控制大小、不透明度等。
  • 文本编辑器。就像 WordPress 编辑器一样。
  • 视频。添加 YouTube、Vimeo、Dailymotion 或自行托管的视频。
  • Button. Create interactive buttons.
  • Link in Bio. Build link in bio components to promote your business / services.
  • 图像框。一个带有图像、标题和文本的框。
  • 推荐。客户评价。
  • 图标。放置 600 多个可用图标中的一个或多个。
  • 图标框。带有一个小部件的图标、标题和文本。
  • 社交图标。使用 Facebook/X(以前称为 Twitter)图标链接到您的社交页面。
  • 图片库。在网格中显示图像。
  • 图像轮播。为所选图像创建旋转轮播或滑块。
  • 图标列表。使用任何图标创建项目符号列表。
  • 计数器。以逐步升级的方式显示数字。
  • 进度条。包括一个升级的进度条。
  • 嵌套选项卡。在垂直或水平选项卡中显示内容。
  • 嵌套手风琴。在可折叠部分中显示任何类型的内容。
  • 切换。使用切换按钮隐藏或显示内容,例如常见问题解答。
  • 评级。显示其他访客给予了多少颗星星(或其他图标)。
  • 警报框。包括一个彩色警报框以吸引访问者的注意。
  • HTML. 在页面嵌入代码
  • 短代码。将任何插件的短代码插入页面中。
  • 菜单锚定. 链接任意菜单到此锚点.
  • 了解更多。设置存档页面摘录的阅读更多截止时间。
  • 侧边栏。将侧边栏添加到页面上。
  • Google 地图. 在页面嵌入地图
  • SoundCloud。添加 SoundCloud 音频位。
  • 分隔符。使用设计的分隔线分隔内容。
  • 间距。在元素之间添加间距。
  • 文本路径。将文本附加到路径。
  • 并且正在计数…

🚀 Enhance Your Website

高性能网站:网站性能影响您的访问者的体验和搜索结果排名。 Elementor 与 Google Chrome 合作,在不影响设计的情况下不断增强性能。


  • Reduced DOM Output: Streamlined HTML structure for faster rendering.
  • Improved Media File Loading: Optimized loading of images, videos, and other media assets.
  • Reduced CSS and JS Files: Minimized and concatenated stylesheets and scripts for quicker loading times.
  • Lazy Loading: Deferred loading of non-critical resources to improve initial page load speed.
  • Faster Font Loading: Efficient delivery of web fonts to enhance text rendering speed.
  • Optimized Front-End Asset Loading: Efficient loading of assets like JavaScript and CSS to minimize render-blocking.
  • Element Caching: Cache frequently accessed design elements to reduce server response time and enhance overall performance.

希望提高网站性能?认识一下图像优化器插件 by Elementor:一个易于使用的 WordPress 插件,可以轻松减小图像大小而不牺牲质量。它与 JPEG、PNG、WebP 和 GIF 等流行格式兼容,确保打造视觉上令人惊叹的高速网站 – 立即下载!

🔥 Elementor Pro Features

使用 Elementor Pro 创建无与伦比的网站,同时节省时间、金钱和资源的完整网站构建器。访问 100 多个专业小部件、功能和工具。


  1. Posts: Display your blog posts with customizable layouts and styles.
  2. Share Buttons: Allow visitors to easily share your content on various social media platforms.
  3. Portfolio: Showcase your work or projects with stunning portfolio layouts.
  4. Slides: Create dynamic slideshows with custom animations and transitions.
  5. Form: Design and customize advanced forms for user interaction and data collection.
  6. Login: Add a login form or user registration module to your website.
  7. Nav Menu: Customize and style your website’s navigation menu for better user experience.
  8. Animated Headline: Create attention-grabbing headlines with animated effects.
  9. Price Table: Display pricing plans or packages in a structured and visually appealing format.
  10. Price List: Showcase a list of prices or services with customizable styling options.
  11. Gallery: Create beautiful image galleries with various layout options and lightbox support.
  12. Flip Box: Add interactive flip animations to highlight content or features.
  13. Call to Action: Encourage user interaction and conversions with compelling call-to-action sections.
  14. Media Carousel: Showcase a carousel of media files such as images or videos.
  15. Testimonial Carousel: Display client testimonials in a carousel format for social proof.
  16. Nested Carousel: Create nested carousels for more complex content organization.
  17. Loop Carousel: Display content in a looped carousel for continuous viewing.
  18. Table Of Content: Generate a table of contents for longer articles or guides to improve navigation.
  19. Countdown: Add countdown timers to create urgency for promotions or events.
  20. Facebook Page: Embed your Facebook page feed or content onto your website.
  21. Blockquote: Highlight quotes or testimonials with stylish formatting options.
  22. Template: Save and reuse design templates for consistent branding and layout.
  23. Reviews: Showcase customer reviews and ratings to build trust and credibility.
  24. Facebook Button: Add buttons to promote interactions with your Facebook page or content.
  25. Facebook Embed: Embed Facebook posts or content onto your website.
  26. Facebook Comments: Enable Facebook comments on your website’s pages or posts.
  27. PayPal Button: Integrate PayPal buttons for easy online payments.
  28. Stripe Button: Integrate Stripe payment buttons to facilitate secure online transactions.
  29. Lottie Widget: Add Lottie animations to enhance visual appeal and engagement.
  30. Code Highlight: Display code snippets with syntax highlighting for better readability.
  31. Video Playlist: Create and customize playlists for video content on your website.
  32. Mega Menu: Customize advanced mega menus to improve navigation and display complex content structures effectively.
  33. Off Canvas: Create off-canvas content areas that slide in and out of view to display additional information or menus without cluttering the main page layout.

专业主题小部件: 构建和自定义网站的所有关键部分,包括页眉、页脚、404 页面、全局存档等

  1. Post Title: Customize the title of individual blog posts or pages.
  2. Post Excerpt: Display a brief summary or teaser of your blog posts.
  3. Post Content: Customize the main content area of your blog posts or pages.
  4. Featured Image: Set and customize featured images for blog posts or pages.
  5. Author Box: Display author information and bios on blog posts.
  6. Post Comments: Customize the appearance and functionality of comments sections on your website.
  7. Post Navigation: Add navigation links to adjacent posts for easy browsing.
  8. Post Info: Display additional information about blog posts, such as author and date.
  9. Site Logo: Upload and customize your website’s logo for branding purposes.
  10. Site Title: Customize the title of your website.
  11. Page Title: Customize the title of individual pages.
  12. Search Bar: Add a search bar to allow users to search your website’s content.
  13. Breadcrumbs: Display hierarchical navigation paths for better user navigation.
  14. Sitemap: Generate a sitemap for better search engine indexing and user navigation.
  15. Loop Grid: Design and customize grid layouts for blog post archives or product listings.

专业 WooCommerce 小部件: 在整个网站���设计和定制完整的在线购物体验。

  1. Product: Display individual products with customizable layouts and styles.
  2. Breadcrumbs: Display hierarchical navigation paths for better user navigation within your store.
  3. Product Title: Customize the title of individual products.
  4. Product Images: Set and customize images for product listings.
  5. Product Price: Display the price of individual products.
  6. Add To Cart: Add customizable add to cart buttons for easy purchasing.
  7. Product Rating: Display ratings and reviews for products.
  8. Product Stock: Display stock availability for products.
  9. Product Meta: Display additional information about products, such as SKU and categories.
  10. Product Content: Customize the main content area of product descriptions.
  11. Short Description: Display brief summaries or teasers of products.
  12. Product Data Tabs: Organize product information into tabbed sections for better organization.
  13. Additional Information: Display additional details about products, such as dimensions and weight.
  14. Product Related: Showcase related products to encourage additional purchases.
  15. Upsells: Promote upsell products to increase average order value.
  16. Products: Display a grid or list of products with customizable settings.
  17. 自定义添加到购物车:自定义特定产品的“添加到购物车”按钮。
  18. WooCommerce 页面:设计和自定义 WooCommerce 特定页面,例如购物车和结账页面。
  19. 产品类别:显示产品类别,以便在商店内轻松导航。
  20. 菜单购物车:在导航菜单中显示购物车图标,以便轻松访问购物车。
  21. 购物车:自定义购物车页面的外观和功能。
  22. 结帐:自定义结帐页面的外观和功能。
  23. 我的帐户:自定义客户帐户区域的外观和功能。
  24. 购买摘要:在结账过程中显示购买摘要。
  25. WooCommerce 通知:自定义 WooCommerce 通知的外观和功能,例如订单确认消息。

使用 Elementor Pro 构建专业网站!

🔒 安全与合规

Elementor 高度重视安全性,这一点从我们获得 ISO/IEC 27001、ISO/IEC 27017、ISO/IEC 27018、ISO/IEC 27701 和 SOC 2 Type II 等行业认证就可见一斑。这些认证强调了我们对实施强有力的安全措施的承诺,并强调了我们致力于遵守公认的行业标准。

我们通过我们的漏洞赏金计划鼓励道德安全研究。我们与领先的错误赏金服务合作,为研究人员提供报告我们服务中的漏洞的机会。我们的赏金计划包括 24/7/365 的分流团队。


♿ Accessibility Best Practices

Elementor 提供辅助功能工具和增强功能,帮助您为所有用户提供更好的体验。包括 HTML 5 语义、全键盘导航菜单、持续改进的功能、小部件等等。

🌐 Translated to 63+ languages, includes RTL support

Elementor 支持多种语言和排版,并且与 RTL 兼容,编辑器可翻译为 超过 63 种语言 开箱即用。 Elementor 还与 WPML、Polylang、TranslatePress、Weglot 等兼容。 如果您想做出贡献,请通过 添加新语言。请参阅我们的指南,了解如何翻译和本地化插件

⏩ Use of 3rd Party Services

为了改善用户体验,如果启用了所需的功能,Elementor 可能会使用以下第三方服务:

  • Google Fonts – 加载以向您的网站添加其他字体。 Google 的服务条款隐私政策
  • Some Elementor features require loading additional assets from These assets are not used for tracking purposes unless it’s explicitly mentioned otherwise, in which case you would need to approve it and manually opt-in. Learn more about our TOS and Privacy Policy.

🌍 Join a Global Community

Join a global community that helps each other achieve their goals. Get answers, solve problems, share knowledge, and more. Join discussions, meetups, enjoy YouTube videos, articles, and tutorials made by members worldwide.

此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。