The Stealing of Emily
The Stealing of Emily (3 book series)
Kindle edition
The books in this series walk you through what your family needs to know and is an exposé of those who wish to do it harm. The first book details The Stealing of Emily through the court system which is a process that abducts children from no fault parents. It's written from our authors perspective in regard to the process and procedures that were put in place to abduct his daughter Emily When he took this to the PAHO and informed them all he had learned from the NSPCC they closed the investigation which was never conducted properly. The book is written in an unusual way which you are warned will produce an emotional response! After the book was written it left many questions open for the reader. The Second book in this series will put this right and explain why all this is happening. The final book was much larger than planned as the system is so corrupt and therefore who do you trust? Meeting with Family Court Crisis on twitter @courtcrises, weekend ending 22nd January 2024. It was pointed out by experts that they were unsure who to recommend the public families in crisis, to as they felt informing social services would endanger the family and result in their children being trafficked. As there was no proper complaint handling or responses to correspondence Malthusianism propaganda was being operated and what such did not finish. As was expected as such the Facebook groups will update readers found as a link in the last book. There may be a later book at a later date.

I hope you can learn from reading them.

I should also point out that it in my last book page 26 that Rishi Sunak PM said in answer to Beth Rigbys Question in Dorset, Monday 8 January 2024 20:57 “These things that happened a long time ago it is right that these are looked at appropriately and these stories are appalling. People were treated absolutely appallingly, that is wrong, and we should do everything we can to make it right” So why not in this case for other injustices?[1]

[1] Rishi Sunak may not be behind Post Office scandal
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Books in this series (3 books)

Emily’s mum, her children am myself have been waiting for justice since she died which has not been coming in ten years. Caused by what is now known as the Mathew Alexander “Thorpe’s Lost Children” who was Lord Justice bought to end post [2018] An equal or more to the original Thorpe scandal. Rest in Peace Catherine put to rest in [2011]. I promise I will fight for our child to my demise.

This is one mans harrowing story of frustration, determination as he battled for access rights to his young daughter following the death of their mother in East Sussex. Incredibly this journey was in excess of ten years, which countless communications ending in the PHSO. The costs of this are estimated in a million pounds. What should have been a simple dispute somehow resulted in a genuinely good man with true family values being slandered by the family courts who could not even press the start button on the stenograph to record the hearings. Unlike others this has not gone public until now after reading two books on the subject based in 2006 and realising nothing had been updated despite statutory reviews required in law. This is a truly shocking story that deserves to be read and heard.

ISBN: 9781666402445

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When I first started writing my first book The Stealing of Emily, I hardly realised how long it would take, what form it would be or what the real situation was. A similar situation is starting to emerge again with the advertisement of my book on social media. I was not ready for the feedback from the lovely people who liked the page on Facebook and poured their hearts out with the misery that these kidnappers had brought to their families. It was apparent from the outset that this process was going to itself have a story of its own.

From the inset this became interesting gathering all the figures and statistics and chasing the money to see whom the villain of the piece was. If you have not read the first book in this series it is amust to help you uderstand what it piled agaiast you to keep you from your child

Many of the posts to keep these pages alive were as worrying as the original “Thorpes Lost Children” which has found no resolution through our member of parliament whose options we are informed by
Diane Hedditch at the Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards said that there are around 650 options that a Member of Parliament can act on or choose to employ to help. When I asked what these were I was informed: “I went on to say that just as there are 650 MPs in Parliament, there are also likely to be 650 different ways that an MP might do their job …. I went on to say that just as there are 650 MPs in Parliament, there are also likely to be 650 different ways that an MP might do their job.” Well, you might find this amusing but even some of the UK Government ministers such as Bridgette Prentis the Parliamentary Under Secretary in 2009 are outspoken about the courts making statements in Hansard such as:
There is some platitudinous advice on trusting solicitors and counsel. I would sooner entrust myself to a shoal of piranha as entrust myself to the legal fraternity on these matters. In the experience of many of us, they are thorough self-serving people”.
The Parliamentary Under Secretarys’ mantra through parliament specifically regarding
ex parté hearings which she seemed to have little or no recourse or change to help the poor children or families that come into the net of these child abusers and child abductors. History seems to have a habit of repeating and all while this industry is funding billions of pounds of commerce built on the immoral earnings of children’s misery.
“If I told you there was a certain organization that wanted to do your family harm. What would you say?”

If I then told you this organisation was handing out plans and flow charts for every family law eventuality and giving directions to your opponent how to get out of it, to take your child. What would you say?”.

Would you believe me? Well read on!

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This book builds on the two previous books in the series The Stealing of Emily: concerning the topic of "Secret Courts" or Closed Material Procedures ("CMP") in which children are compromised by and supported by all government agencies. The Justice and Security Act was given parliamentary approval on 25 April 2023. One of the main justifications for expanding so-called secret courts was to prevent intelligence provided by US sources from being exposed in British courts. The legal mechanism known as closed material procedures ("CMP"). Secret intelligence can be used by the government but will only be seen by the judge and security-cleared "special advocates". What is a Special Advocate? It is someone who represents the interest of an individual claimant who cannot reveal precise details of the evidence or case and may only provide a loose summary. Claimants may not then, be aware of all the allegations made against them. This results in parties no longer being on an equal footing, tilting the advantage in the government's favour. It has been thought this had been happening in the background for many years with certain individuals discussing the fate of children behind closed doors. The use of CMP is inherently unfair and is fundamentally inconsistent with regard to the principles of laws with the common law tradition of civil justice where proceedings are open, equal and adversarial. Family Law is not transparent, open to abuse and close, making it a prime target for CPM. The world is a changing place with data now cloud-based your children's data may be online on these government systems even before they start their life. This book looks at the evolving AI and the concepts of data mining issuing a warning:

There are 86 billion neurons known to be in the human brain. A large AI uses 137 billion constructs. To close this chapter a conversion from the 3 Laws of Robotics by Asimov 1942 now applied to AI.

Three Laws of AI Safety.
  • AI must not generate text that is harmful to humans.
  • AI must obey the instructions of humans, except where such instructions would conflict with the First Law.
  • AI must protect its own existence, as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
If you want to follow the authors work, you will find it

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More About the Author

I’ve always considered myself a straightforward and honest man, navigating life with a blend of skepticism and curiosity. My journey has been far from ordinary, and it all started with an encounter I never expected to take seriously—a fortuneteller with a crystal ball. Like many, I was doubtful, but her words lingered: she predicted that writing would become my calling, a notion I dismissed at the time.

My early years were spent in Hastings, but I grew up in the idyllic village of Kent, surrounded by the warmth of my loving family. Our home, nestled near a sprawling village green, was the center of a childhood filled with joy, where I learned the essentials of life—cooking, housekeeping, and most importantly, the value of honesty from my father.

My career began in the world of IT, where I worked as a publisher and later founded a successful software company. Despite these achievements, the unexpected twists of life eventually guided me back to writing. It wasn’t until the COVID-19 pandemic that I took the leap into authorship. Encouraged by friends and driven by a desire to create a future for my daughter, Emily, I penned my first book, The Stealing of Emily. This work was more than just a novel; it was a seed for her trust fund and a legacy I hoped to build.

Buoyed by the success of my debut, I ventured into new genres. My fascination with local wildlife inspired me to write an action-adventure tale about the badgers in my area, marking the beginning of a new chapter in my writing career.

My story is a testament to embracing the unexpected and finding purpose in the unlikeliest places. Each book I write is a step on a path I never anticipated but now fully embrace, driven by the love for my daughter and the thrill of the written word.